During the ongoing project, Kolpolok proved to be a dependable partner and a hard worker with solid problem-solving and technical skills. I was always impressed by their capability to complete their work on time. Kolpolok met deadlines and explained his programs in a way non-experts could easily understand. This skill came in handy when they offered their agendas to me when we met soon.
Founder - Bidyanondo Foundation
Kolpolok would be an asset to have in any company. To say they are a team leader would be an understatement. During their project at our company, they are gone out of their way to welcome newcomers and resolve any problems they might have. They pitch innovative ideas at company meetings and listen to what others say, includin constructive criticism. When budgetary constraints limited the work our company could complete, Kolpolok used its creative mind to devise alternatives.
IT Officer
Extraordinary professional! It has been an honour to work with someone of their calibre. They are deliberate with their development tactics and implement with great attention to every detail. For me, one of her most important skill sets is their ability to selfmanage and keep our projects moving forward, no matter my availability or the lack there of. No worries once you have agreed on a plan and a course of action. Additionally, Kolpolok Team puts their heart and soul into their work. They give you everything they got when they get into a project. I am humbled to have worked with somebody of such high integrity and so determined to our mutual success—a genuinely great IT partner.
SMO - Bangladesh Air Force, Bashar Base
Custom Linphone Dialer for IOS with Admin Panel: Great Experience, they are highly skilled developers
Setting up a secure VPN Server: They are highly experienced with VPN. Did an amazing job! Will continue to work with them for long term.
Develop an OpenConnect Android App from Open-Source Code Fantastic experience with Kolpolok Limited, they are very talented Android developers with extensive development skills. Clear and great communications, Patience to listen to my needs, propose a solution, take my feedback, gives me feedback on possible improvements and iterate and iterate and iterate. No matter how many iterations i needed for the best possible solution, they did all with a smile. I appreciate their support because of the fact they go the extra mile, something not every developer on this site does. All in all, they have proven to be a team of developers who are committed to customer satisfaction! It was a pleasure working through a project with Mr. Riaz. I highly recommend Kolpolok Limited and will hire them in the future.
Bangladesh Office (Headquarter)
Kolpolok Limited
H # 24/1, Level # 7, Shyamoli Cinema Hall Building, Mirpur Road, Shyamoli
Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh
USA Office
2807 N Parham Rd, STE 320 #2002
Henrico, VA 23294
UAE Office
Business Center, 12-055 Spectrum Building
Oud Metha Dubai, UAE
South Africa Office
60 Calendula Drive, Malabar 6020
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Tel: +880 2-58153018 (During the office hour)
Mobile: +880 1712-901764 (WhatsApp)
Support: 24x7
Email: [email protected]
Mon - Fri: 9:30 AM to 6:30PM
@ 2023 Copyright - Kolpolok Limited